Rugs 240 x 340 cm

Explore our range of large rugs in size 240 x 340 cm at Trendcarpet. These rugs are not just a decorative detail, but also a practical solution for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home. With a mix of modern and traditional designs, we offer something for every style and taste.

Where does a 240 x 340 cm rug fit?

A rug of this size is perfect for larger rooms like living rooms, dining rooms, or large bedrooms. Its generous dimensions help to define the space and create a cohesive and welcoming feeling in the room. It can also act as a sound absorber in rooms with echoing acoustics.

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Buy 240 x 340 cm rugs online

At Trendcarpet, we understand the importance of finding the perfect rug for your home. That's why we offer easy and secure online shopping with a wide range of large rugs. Choose from different materials and designs to find what suits your style and needs.

What are the benefits of a large rug?

A large rug can transform a room by adding texture, color, and warmth. It helps to divide a room into different sections, especially useful in open floor plans. Additionally, it contributes to a cozier and more inviting atmosphere, while also protecting the floor from wear. A large rug is an investment that enhances both comfort and style in your home.






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